Home > Reports > Florida Bass Fishing Report & Forecast May 2021 Winter Haven Kissimmee Toho

Florida Bass Fishing Report & Forecast May 2021 Winter Haven Kissimmee Toho

Posted by scott on May 1, 2021

One of the things I love about fishing in Central Florida in May is that the lakes are not too hot yet, and the bass are out schooling chasing bait all over the place whether it’s on grass flats, deep water, or up in the jungle fishing in “the junk.”  On most lakes from Lake Kissimmee to the Winter Haven Chains we can catch a lot of fish each trip along with quality big fish each time out.  This is where all the fun starts because the fishing will be hot, hot, hot.
That being said, let’s start out on Lake Kissimmee and the Kissimmee River fishing out of Camp Mack.  So far for this time of year the lake levels have been lower than normal regulation than they were last year because of the lack of rain fall and the US Army Corps.  The shad and shiners are spawning so that means plenty of extra bait fish for the bass to school up on.  To you and I that translates to an awesome opportunity for catching a lot of bass on topwater baits.  This year the bass have been more “selective” during the different bait fish spawns and stages from wanting bigger gold colored baits for chasing shiners to a silver or white smaller profile for the shad.  It’s truly an occupational hazard to try to over analyze what a bass is doing but hey, that’s what I do.  If you see bass chasing smaller bait, throw a smaller white/silver bait.  If you see them running shiners, throw a bigger gold/black bait.  Simple.
Heading back closer to the heart of Polk County and the Winter Haven Chains it is still a big time summer pattern in the mornings, it’s just a slightly different pattern with different bait being the main forage.  Here, white bait, shad, smaller glass minnows, whatever you want to call them are the main forage on a lot of the smaller spring-fed lakes.  There are still some wild shiners in these waters, along with tons of bluegill and specks but the bass mostly chase the minnows and shad in the mornings.
I love having the original Pop-R, flukes, and smaller swimbaits tied-on for this time of year.  You’ll see “wolf packs” just roaming around chasing bait to the surface and you can catch a ton of fish if you are patient and select your casts well.  I’m normally fishing deeper in 8’ out to 20+ feet of water over grass this time of year and we catch a lot of good fish.  Here on these lakes, keep your colors more natural if fishing the spring fed lakes and keep it bright or dark in the off colored waters.
Kanon - Lake Winterset.jpg
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